LiDAR is an optical, remote sensor technology that works much like radar, emitting infrared light pulses instead of radio waves and measuring time of flight, to provide a 3-D image of the object that it traversed.
Lidar uses eye-safe light beams, making it useful in any area with human movement. What started as a technology to enable autonomous driving, today it can be used in multiple industries and applications across the board, especially given its ability to use smart algorithms to detect and classify the object without invading anyone’s privacy. “Its unique ability to provide reliable detection ranging over short to long distances and pass information across a series of LiDARs to track the movement over larger distances, makes LiDAR technology a new, fast-growing opportunity for its proliferation.
Our integrated solutions combine the best of technology with deep industry know-how to deliver end-to-end projects across the industry lifecycle. Our specialized and well-trained manpower efficiently analyse, plan and implement solutions that best suit the client’s requirement.
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