Understanding MCX Communications over IP

Public safety agencies like law enforcement frequently battle the limitations of technology that hinder communications during security incidents. During a major security crisis, there must be seamless communication between the various stakeholders irrespective of the location, spread, or time. For long, security agencies have been forced to work with solutions that take too long to rollout, demand too much preparation or paperwork, and are subject to complex technical oversight and regulatory approvals.

As critical communications moved from analog to digital, Land Mobile Radio (LMR) has transitioned to technology systems like TETRA & DMR. However, all these systems are essentially voice centric. Despite many benefits like efficiency in voice communications, they continue to face challenges like:

  • Complex, time-consuming, and expensive to build
  • Stringent licensing requirements in India
  • Lack of data &video features with expansion of LTE and 4/5G capabilities

Similarly, VoIP (Voice over IP) systems deliver good voice quality on non-telecom grade networks but continue to suffer from high latency and jitter.

On the other hand, Radio over Internet Protocol (ROIP) can leverage a larger geographicalreach and deliver Push to Talk communications over the Internet rather than over radio waves. Using Push to Talk over Cellular (PTToC) functionality,RoIPusers can direct cellular operators for use cases like dispatch applications, communications between closed teams, and more.

While the ROIP continues to proliferate, there’s an urgent need for having a secure, encrypted, and reliable communication mediumforpublic safety agencies. Besides, security organizations responsible for protecting human life and critical facilities, also need metadata to make quick, responsible decisions. This involves the need to leverage the capabilities of the IP systems to securely sharevideo and data. This has led to the evolution of Push-to-Video and Push-to-Data, to be added to theoverall ROIP framework. This was the genesis of the mission critical communications (MCX) over the Internet.

Over time, standards continue to evolve for the manufacturers providing devices compatible with MCX, including network operators providing the network layer for ensuring priority and quality of service.

MCX technology is about to change this paradigm in India. It is being deployed and used across private and public sectors including:

  • Business domains – Ports, airports, railways, utilities, logistics, mining and more.
  • Public safety domains – Law enforcement and natural disaster recovery

Indian security agencies and the government know that they must find the right balance between available networks and technologies, optimal investments, and meaningful regulatory requirements. That’s why a mobile broadband-based solution like MCX over IP, can effectively transform services like public safety and disaster relief. Most recently Delhi Police adopted a MCX-based IP communications solution, which delivered very effectively over the recently heldG-20 Summit in October in New Delhi.

There’s a growing need for information to make better decisions. With the growing Internet connectivity across the country, both public safety agencies and companies that operate large critical infrastructure are making the switch to advanced technology systems. Along with real-time data transmission, these systems provide broader coverage over MCX-certified smartphones and Android devices, along with full interoperability across other MCX-certified systems and connectivity to older analog and digital LMR systems. These solutions are proving their worth in the field.

Benefits of MCX

1. Reliable connectivity

Mission-critical communication is highly dependent on the availability and reliability of radio devices and connections. Traditional radio networks are set up for a single point of failure. The failure of any node on the RoIP network does not render the entire network inoperative. This is because there are multiple communication routes between nodes.

2. Higher area coverage

Over the long term, RoIP technology reduces operating costs even with the increase in the size of the network. It also improves area coverage as users can directly connect radios into each unit, which transmits all PTT, PTV & PTD information on the IP network

3. Lower maintenance costs

Compared to traditional radio communication devices, RoIP devices are easier to maintain and repair.

4. Data and video support

With the mainstreaming of 3GPP technologies, there’s a growing need for data- and video-based communications during any critical security situation or operation. Video-enabled RoIP enables first responders to share real-time information about the critical situation through voice media.


As a communication method, MCX over IP is now getting preferred by a host of government security agencies including law enforcement. What makes this technology viable is its quicker start, low implementation costs, and reliability during emergencies.

Customers must beware vendors offering solutions which they claim are MCX grade without the proper tests and proofs. The Govt of India has also releases certain guidelines in the selection of MCX solutions which need to also proliferate into commercial markets looking for similar MCX systems.

At Athena Security, we believe that India needs the best security solutions for sensitive establishments. Over the last few years, we have successfully delivered customized security solutions for sensitive establishments like Oil and gas sites, airports, and industrial facilities.

Our MCX solutions have built-in features like real-time video streaming, group and private calls, and support for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), Lone Worker, Guard Tour, Geofencing, Indoor Localization and operability with existing radio systems plus other MCX certified solutions as needed.

Get in touch with us for the next wave of innovation in security solutions.