7 Reasons Why Effective Security Needs Smart PIDS

"People + technology is the new perimeter" when it comes to securing sensitive establishments, outlines Vishnu Mohan Choudhary, Athena Security's Managing Director. Businesses today have been re-evaluating their perimeter security around sensitive facilities, and understandably so.

In a very real real sense, a Perimeter Intrusion Detection System (PIDS) is seen as the first line of defence for sensitive establishments. In this context, each individual (or person) is the "new perimeter" for detecting any intrusions. However, Vishnu also points out that "every individual can be seen as a threat as well as a protector in the modern age." After all, malicious actors are adopting new technologies to elevate the complexity of threats.

Therefore, to stay protected, establishments must adopt smart technologies along with their physical (or manual) efforts. They can no longer remain solely dependent on manual (or non-technology-based methods). Hence, a smart PIDS is the way forward.

Here are seven reasons why a smart PIDS is essential for ensuring effective security around sensitive establishments:

1. Minimises False Alarms

Frequent false alarms often create a sense of complacency around critical establishments. Most CCTV-based systems often generate many false alarms, particularly in noisy premises. This is not a problem for smart PIDS. It can accurately detect a threat and raise the alarm by recognising a series of movements and events.

Besides minimising false alarms, a smart PIDS can detect the type of intrusion and pinpoint the exact location.

2. Improves the Effectiveness of Electric Fencing

Traditionally, electric fences were used as a deterrent to stop grazing animals from entering restricted areas. More recently, electric fencing has been useful in securing high-security premises like military establishments. When integrated with smart PIDS, electric fences are an effective solution for security establishments.

For instance, electric fencing along with PIDS enables proactive security by collecting and passing on visitor's data to security professionals. Additionally, it is suitable for monitoring remote or inaccessible locations. Through an integrated system, smart PIDS can transmit real-time data from electric fences to security teams.

3. Improves Security Coverage

With traditional security in place, sensitive establishments are prone to intelligent intrusions by criminals. They're even challenged or compromised by stray animals entering the facilities.

Favourably, smart PIDS now features intelligent sensors connected through fiber optic cables. These modern systems can easily detect the most subtle intrusions using data related to mechanical pressure and acoustic movements.

Along with technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT) and data analytics, PIDS can enhance overall security coverage. With valuable insights from IoT-enabled sensors, security teams can locate and identify sophisticated intrusions.

4. Implements Cybersecurity Measures

Apart from physical intrusions, sensitive establishments also face cyber threats or online attacks. Hackers can exploit and compromise confidential information about the facility with a single successful attack. Loss of sensitive data can lead to other criminal activities like ransomware, physical destruction of assets, and physical attacks.

Along with technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI), a smart PIDS can potentially detect a major data breach in any establishment. This dual-layered approach is necessary for establishments with higher security requirements.

5. Leverages Video Analytics

Despite the upfront costs, video analytics in PIDS is an effective solution for securing premises without a structured fence or open area. Through technologies like computer vision and AI, video analytics can detect suspicious objects, including terrorists, guns, and hand movements.

Further, video analytics can provide more insights into the effective lighting of the premises and the required number of surveillance cameras.

6. Ensures Complete Discretion

Intelligent intruders often monitor the level of perimeter and intrusion security in the targeted establishment. With this activity, they can identify the installed system and look for system vulnerabilities that they can exploit to their advantage.

For the best perimeter security, PIDS provides complete discretion or lack of visual indication. This lowers the overall visibility of the installed security systems across the premise, thus attracting lesser prying eyes.

7. Early Detection of a Variety of Threats

Besides unauthorised intrusion, sensitive establishments face a host of threats like fire, lighting, and power surge. With a smart PIDS, companies can implement a continuous line of detecting a variety of such threats. Through early detection, the PIDS can notify security personnel of the nature and exact location of the prevailing threat.

For instance, Distributed Temperature Sensing technology can monitor temperatures in underground oil pipelines and report any major deviation (in the case of fire or leakage). Similarly, thermal imaging cameras (integrated with PIDS) can detect hazardous signatures like heat, shock, and vibration.


In addition to physical security, a Smart PIDS can provide sensitive establishments with ample cover for security from intrusions and external threats. As Vishnu points out, "smart technologies can augment the physical efforts of people."

With its focus on improving perimeter security, Athena Security has developed customised PID solutions for sensitive establishments operating in domains like military, oil & gas, and aviation. Among its solutions, the OFC-based intrusion detection system is easy to install in any type of physical location.

We can be your partner in securing your facility. Contact us today.